ISWI Newsletter - Vol.8 No.01
03 January 2016

Dear ISWI Participant:

New year greetings from the editor-in-chief of Sun & Geosphere are attached.

George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter


[1] Publication note from Sun & Geosphere concerning UN/Japan Workshop on Space Weather (2015) (read it)

[2] New Year Greetings from Atila Özgüc, editor-in-chief, Sun & Geosphere (read it)

[3] Session announcement: Session D2.1/E3.1 at COSPAR 2016: (read it)

[1] Publication note from Sun & Geosphere concerning UN/Japan Workshop on Space Weather

Please see attached pdf link to document

Go to the website of the magazine (click here)

(Sent in by Atila Özgüc)

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[2] New Year Greetings from Atila Özgüc, editor-in-chief, Sun & Geosphere

See also attached pdf link to document

(Sent in by Atila Özgüc)

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[3] Session announcement: Session D2.1/E3.1 at COSPAR 2016:
Solar Transients: From Solar Origin to Earth Impact and the Outer Heliosphere

This five-half-day-long session will cover a variety of topics, including (1) solar origin of transients: flares, CMEs, filament eruptions, coronal holes, particle acceleration and active regions that are potentially geo-effective, (2) CMEs, Sheaths, CIR and shocks evolution in the Interplanetary Space: observations, theory and simulation of CMEs, Sheaths, CIR from the Sun to the Earth and beyond, and transport and impact of solar and galactic energetic particles. (3) Campaign study of Earth-affecting events: focused study on carefully selected events, such as St. Patrick Day's event, standard or "textbook"-type events, stealth events etc. (4) Magnetic flux ropes and Bz Challenge: address the magnetic topology of solar transients, in particular, on the important Z-component of magnetic field. (5) Space weather forecast: emphasizing prediction techniques, their accuracy, validation and limitations for the operational purpose.

A complete description of the event referred to above and abstract submission instructions are available on the Assembly web page at:

The deadline of abstract submission is February 12, 2016.

SOC: Jie Zhang (Main Scientific Organizer, USA), Sergio Dasso (Deputy Organizer, Argentina), Ayumi Asai (Japan), Mario M. Bisi (UK), Nat Gopalswamy (USA), Alejandro Lara (Mexico), Noe Lugaz (USA), Alexis Rouillard (France), Luciano Rodriguez (Belgium), Spiros Patsourakos (Greece), Nandita Srivastava (India), Manuela Temmer (Austria), Yu-Ming Wang (China), Yuri Yermolaev (Russia)

(Sent in by Sergio Dasso)

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**************[ End of this issue of the ISWI Newsletter ]******************

(1) Publication note from Sun & Geosphere concerning UN/Japan Workshop on Space Weather, (Fukuoka, Japan, 2-6 March 2015) 60 KB pdf, 2 pages (click link to document)

(2) New Year Greetings 108 KB pdf, one page (click link to document)

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