ISWI Newsletter - Vol.8 No.05
28 February 2016

Dear ISWI Participant:

This issue has the ISWI Annual Report; please save it for future reference.

If you have any annual reports related to space weather, please send them in for ISWI community dissemination.

George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter

Webmaster Notes: The contents of this newsletter as well as any attached file is kept on this site in "Newsletter Archive". (here)


[1] International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI) (Annual Report 2015) 2016/02/19, by Nat Gopalswamy (read it)

[2] Report on the UN/Japan Workshop on Space Weather, by Werner Balogh, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, COPUOS Space Weather Expert Group, Vienna, 15 February 2016.
(read it)

[3] ISWI Steering Committee Meeting: Annotated Agenda; 2016 February 19, VIC, Vienna, chaired by Nat Gopalswamy (read it)

[4] Special issue in AGU's Space Weather Journal (SWJ): The deadline for submission of the statement of interest extended. "Sun to Earth: Heliospheric Remote Sensing Observations Applicable to Space Weather" (read it)

[1] ISWI Annual Report 2015

In this report: (1) composition of ISWI Steering Committee; (2) ISWI Instrument Arrays (2 slides);
(3) ISWI Secretariat and support for ISWI; (4) ISWI Recent Activities and new data subcommittee; (5) Future activities: (ISWI/SCOSTEP School, UN/ISWI Workshop, Data Infrastructure, Outreach Activities), (6) Appendix Data Policy; (a) ISWI Project Data Management Plans; (b) Space Physics Archive Search and Extract (SPASE) Metadata Model; (c) Virtual Observatory Framework

Please see attached pdf  link to document)

(Sent in by Nat Gopalswamy)

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[2] Werner Balogh Report on the UN/Japan Workshop on Space Weather

Presentation Overview
I. United Nations Programme on Space Applications
II. ISWI Workshop Series
III. UN/Japan Workshop Objectives and Programme
IV. Observations and Recommendations
V. Follow-Up Activities

Please see attached pdf  link to document)

(Sent in by Werner Balogh)

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[3] ISWI Steering Committee Meeting: Annotated Agenda;


1. Introduction & Report (chair)

2. Secretariat update

3. Steering Committee update

  • Replacement for Debbie Scherrer (retired)

4. ISWI National Coordinators (Discussion by Christine Amory)

5. ISWI Instruments update, new network (Christian, Americo, ...)

6. Discussion and approval of the Data Subcommittee Report

7,8. ISWI – UNOOSA Collaboration (Shafa, Werner)

9. Expert Committee on Space Weather – summary of the workshop Ian Mann

10. ISWI/NASA report: Elsayed Talaat

11. ISWI School Nov 7–17, 2016, Sangli, India

12. ISWI Workshop 2017 under Discussion

13. VarSITI Report Katya Georgieva

14. Any other matter

(look in Annotated Agenda)

or see attached pdf  link to document)

(Sent in by Nat Gopalswamy)

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[4] Special issue in AGU's Space Weather Journal (SWJ): The deadline for submission of the statement of interest extended.

"Space Weather" Special Issue

Title: Sun to Earth: Heliospheric Remote Sensing Observations Applicable to Space Weather

Guest Editors: Mario M. Bisi, J. Americo Gonzalez-Esparza, Bernard V. Jackson, and Igor V. Chashei

The deadline for submission of the statement of interest is 29 February 2016 07 March 2016
Dear Colleagues.

We are soliciting statements of interest for contributions to a special issue in AGU’s Space Weather Journal (SWJ) focused on scientific aspects of remote sensing techniques that support improvements in understanding and predicting space weather. The special issue will document scientific results of the Third Remote Sensing of the Inner Heliosphere and Space Weather Applications Workshop held in Morelia, Mexico, 20-24 October 2015, and we welcome non-workshop manuscripts related to inner heliosphere remote sensing of space weather, especially those emphasizing radio techniques.

The special issue will highlight:
1) Advances in heliospheric Sun to Earth remote-sensing techniques for space weather, and ancillary measurements;
2) ground-based observations of interplanetary scintillation (IPS) and radio polarisation; and
3) the recently-established space-weather service in Mexico (SCiESMEX) including the dedicated IPS array near Morelia, Mexico.

See for further information on the Morelia workshop.

The special issue will consist of original research papers on this common theme, which would benefit from being published together. Manuscripts should clearly describe new space-weather-related science results derived from remotely-sensed observations or from model-data comparison. All papers will be fully refereed according to AGU publication standards. Dr. Mario M. Bisi, Dr. J. Americo Gonzalez-Esparza, Dr. Bernard V. Jackson, and Prof. Igor V. Chashei will act as Guest Editors and will assist the SWJ Editor, Dr. Barbara Giles, in seeking referees for the special issue.

The deadline for submission of the statement of interest – consisting of title, preliminary abstract, estimated number of pages, and names and E-Mail addresses of at least three suggestion referees – is Monday, 29 February 2016 07 March 2016. Please provide this information via E-Mail to Mario Bisi (Mario.Bisi[at] with the subject line: URGENT – Space Weather Remote Sensing Special Issue.

The Space Weather GEMS page ( will open for submissions that have been coordinated with the Guest Editors on Friday 01 April 2016. Completed manuscripts must be submitted via GEMS by Friday 01 July 2016.

We will be strict with submission deadlines in order to accommodate an anticipated printing of the special issue by late Fall of 2016. Papers that are delayed in submission or protracted review can appear individually in later issues of the journal.

Many thanks, best wishes, and we look forward to hearing from you soon,
Mario M. Bisi, J. Americo Gonzalez-Esparza, Bernard V. Jackson, Igor V. Chashei

(Sent in by J. Americo Gonzalez-Esparza)

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**************[ End of this issue of the ISWI Newsletter ]******************

(1) International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI) (Annual Report 2015) 562 KB pdf, 14 pages link to document)

(2) Report on the UN/Japan Workshop on Space Weather, 3 351 KB pdf, 27 pages link to document)

(3) ISWI Steering Committee Meeting: Annotated Agenda; 2 049 KB pdf, 31 pages link to document)

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