ISWI Newsletter - Vol.4 No.83
13 July 2012

Dear ISWI Participant:

What is the AWESOME Project? ... from the ISWI website:

Atmospheric Weather Education System for Observation and Modeling of Effects (AWESOME) and
SID (Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance) Monitor

Lead Scientists: Dr. Umran S. Inan, Dr. Morris Cohen and Dr. Deborah Scherrer (Stanford) United States

Objectives: Lightning, sprites, Elves, relation to terrestrial Gamma Ray flashes ,

for more click here
whistler induced electron precipitation, conjugate studies.
Dept. Atmosphere & Space Physics
Ho Chi Minh City Institute of Physics
01 Mac Dinh Chi Str., 1st Dist.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Phone: +84 8 38 298149
Mobile: +84 903 735674

Anyway, I am most pleased to attach for your perusal the attached Photo Report from Prof. Hoang Thai Lan.

She is with:

She has attended one (IHY Korea) or more IHY/ISWI workshops.

If you have an ISWI instrument array, please send to me your report for newsletter circulation.

Forever Faithfully Yours,
George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter
Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University, Japan.


(1) Prof. Hoang Thai Lan A NEW AWESOME VLF RECEIVER SET UP IN VIETNAM photo report 2.9 MB pdf, 14 pages, (click )

If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.