ISWI Newsletter - Vol.3 No.110
31 December 2011

Dear ISWI Participant:

This newsletter strongly encourages subscribers to submit items illustrating domestic/local space weather activities.

As an example, I attach the first newsletter issued by JSWA, Japan Space Weather Association, and its associated space weather club. It describes an educational event that took place at a school in Japan during the summer of 2011. The purpose of the event was to encourage interest in space weather among very young people. Many things can be done with space weather in the educational framework.

Please send in to me your domestic space weather stories. If not in English, please add a few notes in English, as I have done with the attached pdf.

This is the last ISWI Newsletter for this year .... so
Happy New Year from SERC@Kyushu University!
George Maeda
Editor of ISWI Newsletter
Hakozaki Campus, Kyushu University, Japan.

P.S. I also attach the holiday greeting card from the Editor's family in Fukuoka, Japan.
He has four kids: Aina, Aimi, Ken-ichi, and Ken-ji. ISWI logo is on the backside of the card.


(1) 1st issue of JpnSWclub newsletter (in Japanese) 1.6 MB pdf, 5 pages., (click )

(2) 2011 Maeda Family xmas card 102 KB pdf, 2 pages., (click )

If you want to read the original newsletter, click here.