
Meetings related to VarSITI in 2018

Received on August 18, 2017
updated on Jan 16, 2018
3th Annuncement 8 pages
updated on Feb 01, 2018 Sessions and Conveners here

14th Quadrennial Solar-Terrestrial Physics Symposium
July 9÷13, 2018 Toronto, Canada

web-address http://www.scostepevents.ca/

General Deadlines
Submission: 15 Feb 23 Feb 2018
Reduced fee Aplication: 15 Feb 2018
Early bird registration: 15 April 2018
Registration&Paiment: 15 May 25 May 2018
Early bird: 450USD      Regular: 500USD

This is the fourteenth edition of the Solar-Terrestrial Physics symposium (STP14), which is organized by the SCOSTEP and held every four years. The underlying theme of these programs is the way the Sun affects the Earth over various timescales. SCOSTEP’s current scientific program, VarSITI expands the solar-terrestrial physics into the broader context of star-planet interaction to further our understanding of Sun-Earth connection.

The scientific sessions of STP14 will feature the three major chains of physical processes operating in the solar-terrestrial domain: (i) the mass chain in the form of plasma and particles emitted from the Sun, (ii) the electromagnetic radiation chain in the form of irradiance and flare emissions, and (iii) the intra-atmospheric chain representing energy flow from the Earth into space.

SOC: Nat Gopalswamy, USA (Chair); Franz–Josef Lübken, Germany (Vice-Chair); 2018 Poster
Kyung-Suk Cho, South Korea; Vladimir Kuznetsov, Russia; Mark Lester, UK; Daniel Marsh, USA; Takuji Nakamura, Japan; Craig Rodger, New Zealand; Annika Seppälä, Finland; Katya Georgieva, Bulgaria; Kazuo Shiokawa, Japan; Jacob Bortnik, USA; Paul Charbonneau, Canada; Donald Danskin, Canada;
Ian Mann, Canada; Petrus Martens, USA; Dibyendu Nandi, India;
Vladimir Obridko, Russia; Jean-Pierre St. Maurice, Canada; David Sibeck, USA; Manuela Temmer, Austria; William Ward, Canada; Yihua Yan, China;
Andrew Yau, Canada; Gary Zank, USA, and Jie Zhang, USA.

LOC: Marianna Shepherd (Chair), Spiros Pagiatakis, James Whiteway,
William Ward

National Advisory Committee (NAC): Andrew Yau (Chair), Bernie Shizgal, Donald Danskin, Greg Enno, Ian Mann, John Manuel, Jean-Pierre St. Maurice.

Location: Toronto, the capital of the province of Ontario, is the biggest city in Canada, situated along Lake Ontario’s northwestern shore.

Contact Information:
Dr. Nat Gopalswamy, SOC Chair
Dr. Marianna G. Shepherd, LOC Chair
E-MAIL: mshepher[at]yorku.ca
SCOSTEP http://www.yorku.ca/scostep/

Venue: The Symposium will take place at York University’s primary campus ("The Keele Campus"). It is located in the north of the City of Toronto and 30 min from the downtown. A newly opened subway line connects the campus directly with the downtown and the rest of the city. York University is the largest post-secondary campus in Canada. York University is a public research university and Canada's third- largest university having approximately 53,000 students, 7,000 faculty and staff, and 295,000 alumni worldwide.

Sessions Chart