
Meetings related to VarSITI in 2019

Received on Nov 21, 2018
by Ayman Mahrous
member of LOC

Annual African Geophysical Society (AGS) Conference on
Space Weather
March 25÷28 2019, Cairo, Egypt

web-address http://www.spaceweather.edu.eg/AGS2019.html

Early bird registration: Jan 31,2019
Abstract submission: Feb 15,2019
Financial support: Dec 30,2018

Space weather is a global challenge that requires improved and sustained international coordination to respond to severe space weather events.There is a need for advanced space weather models, forecast tools and data-sharing, which is the main concern of AGS2019 sessions. AGS2019 sessions will discuss the global forecast, nowcast and space weather warning capabilities needed to improve predictions and preparedness for space weather events. In the context of that topic, AGS2019 will height the need of more international cooperation and effort toward establishing a global space weather warning network. In addition to the enrichment of scientific knowledge and research capability committed to the young African researchers , ASG2019 would be an effective tool to raise the awareness on impacts of space weather phenomenon among African policymakers, designers and engineers.

Registration fees:
Early bird: 250USD
Normal: 300USD


The excellent Conference Venue is located in Cataract Pyramids Resort;5 star international standard hotel; which has unique location with beautiful panorama of the great Pyramids.

See you soon in Egypt,
Prof. Ayman M. Mahrous

Registration/Abstract: https://www.spaceweather.edu.eg/AGS2019.html