Project ROSMIC
(Role Of the Sun and the Middle atmosphere/thermosphere/ionosphere In Climate)

Goals and objectives: To understand the impact of the Sun on the terrestrial middle atmosphere/lower thermosphere/ionosphere (MALTI) and Earth‘s climate and its importance relative to anthropenic forcing over various time scales from minutes to centuries.

Scientific questions:

(a) What is impact of solar forcing of the entire atmosphere? What is the relative importance of solar irradiance versus energetic particles?

(b) How is the solar signal transfered from the thermosphere to the troposphere?

(c) How does the coupling take place within the terrestrial atmosphere?

(d) What is the impact of anthropogenic activities on MALTI ?

(e) What are the signatures causes of long term MALTI variations?

(f) What are the characteristics of reconstructions and predictions of TSI and SSI?

(g) What are the implications of trends in the ionosphere/thermosphere for satellites and space debris?

Data/theory/modeling: Use existing data records plus new measurements from a wide range of ground based, in–situ, and space–based instruments. use/develop dedicated models for a better understanding of specific processes (e.g. gravity wave breaking, ice formation). Modify and apply global–scale models from the ocean to the thermosphere.

Anticipated outcome: Better understanding of the impact of solar activity on the entire atmosphere, relative to anthrogenic forcing and natural long term variability

Co-leaders: F.–J. Lübken (Germany), Annika Seppälä (Finland), W. Ward (Canada)

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